Fake seems bolder than the original
Imitation is the best form of flattery. This is where the world needs to learn from China. They not just replicated but have developed a whole new business model out of it. A business model, Copy-to-China , that thrives on counterfeiting products to China by creating fake copies as good as the original. Due to recent skirmishes between India and China, a brouhaha is spilt over the Indian media regarding the military capabilities of the two rivals and even some major power operating in the region. This has revealed a fact-- Chinese J-20 stealth jet is a copy of USA’s F-35 stealth jet. I was bewildered on reading this and a question began to pop up in my head. Is it practically possible? I had read about numerous big deals of the sharing of technology. If it was possible to simply copy, why would any country do that...
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