Differentiating Grey from Grey

Double Standard is an infection to the society that gradually corrodes it.
Though it is everywhere, is it good anywhere?

“There seems to be no grey matter in your brain." This statement is so common that I presume you to have heard of it some time or the other. Yes from that irksome teacher of your class who had a habit of pointing out at kids with many ‘grey’ areas. Now, what on earth does this ‘grey’ mean? Former ‘grey’ refers to a fluid-like substance that is most important for your neural functions and transfer of information in our brains. Some cells in it also determine nutrient supply and so it has vital importance. Contrary to it, the latter one refers to the weaknesses. Yes, our dubious society differentiates grey from grey and contradicts itself.

Counting from 26th Jan 1950, the day when the Indian Supreme Court came into existence, SC has passed many orders. Were they to be followed? Yes. Did authorities promise to follow? Yes. Did they follow? No. In 2013, the SC passed an order through an act, Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, ordering the states and authorities to put a complete end to this inhumane practice. Accordingly, it should have been the end. It wasn’t. In 2014, the SC ruled in 'Safai Karmachari Andolan vs Union of India' that “entering sewer lines without safety gears should be made a crime even in emergency situation” and ordered for compensation in case of death. 
My examination of the two puts 2014 ruling in contradiction with one of 2013 because it, however, permits entering sewer lines, may not be without safety kits. If manual scavenging was to be abolished entirely then even entering sewers in an emergency should be considered a crime. That is an apparent violation of the judgement by those who passed it. During 2016 to 2018, 282 sanitation workers have reportedly died while cleaning septic tanks and sewers in the country between 2016 and November 2019, as revealed by The Union Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

It is not a mistake of authorities rather it has run into the very nature of humanity. Not just them even I find myself violating my words sometimes. Speaking on ‘no caste, no colour, no discrimination’ seems easy but following that is difficult. Changing others is fine but we need to change ourselves. Our actions should match our words. Fair & Lovely Foundation, a very ‘socially’ powerful group has been playing a big role in helping underprivileged women from the Indian subcontinent. It boasts of working for equality and thus offers financial, technical and intellectual support to women. 
Does it match its actions in the world of business? No. Its name itself junks the idea of equality understanding which the company has apologised and has promised for renaming itself to 'Glow & Lovely'. That is indeed an appreciable action but it has been too long and has fashioned a condemnable trend in society. People with dark complexion, which is general for the Indian subcontinent, have started turning to salons, using various beauty products just for looking fair in the party. Even people from various parts of the country have some racial issues. Dark coloured people sometimes find it difficult to manage in groups, they are tagged by peers. Certainly, it starts for fun but in nowhile turns into a crime.

We are living in a hypocrite society and we have been deceived and this declaration of human rights by the United Nations is a part of the same hypocrisy. No, I am not blaming the principles of UN neither its orders, my target is those who run it. UN has been shattered by revelations of rapes, even child rapes, by its peacekeeping forces. According to a figure quoted by Aljazeera, between 2004 and 2016 the UN received around 2000 allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse against its peacekeepers. Isn’t that alarming? Moreover, there is a stark difference in the way the reported cases are dealt with by the UN. If a UN official rapes an American or European child, there will be an outcry and prosecution will take place immediately along with lumpsum being delivered by the treasury whereas if an African child falls victim, the organisation fail to prosecute perpetrators or it is delayed. This is discrimination of people by the global advocates of equality, justice, rights and so on. One can go on adding to this decorated list of words and never finish.   

You can not trust your neighbour, neither authorities nor government too, not even the UN. Whom to trust? A big question. The only way to solve this is moral upliftment of every one of us. We all, as humans, must get out of the mindset ‘I can play with the rule I make'. If feminists think that they can continue to take special privileges for women, they shouldn’t. It is against equality. If we don’t want corrupt politicians, we should never bribe anyone. We must develop unity in our thoughts, words and actions. Lack of effective ruling causes as much harm to society as any terror attack, just that it kills people gradually. Deaths of people in manholes and victims of rapes are its examples. We want people to clean sewers, we ourselves are unable to clean even our inner-selves. The world can still be a better place to dwell in. It needs a cry, a call, a command. Shall you take the lead?

Hope you had a stimulating experience reading this article. Share your views. Would love to see your comments in the space below!


  1. Exceptionally nice. U r indeed true.

    1. I am glad to accept your feedback. Our institutions of morals and equality themselves are falling victim to various evils. They are taken away from their true motives. Thanks for your time.
      Keep reading!!


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