Dismantling the Machinery of Procrastination (Perfectionists, don't mind!)


Yup, deadline to submit the project is lurking around the corner and you are still fiddling with your emails, chats and social media. But you still believe you have just twenty-three hours a day while your best friend has twenty-four of them. Damn it! There lies the problem. Procrastination has stuck with you and there you risk missing something big in life. Don’t want to, right? Of course not! Nobody wants to, not me even, and for that you ought to follow a set of hacks to escape from such blunders. 

1. Hook your timetable in front of your eyes- 
One of the best ways to avoid procrastination is to prepare a detailed timetable of all deadlines and hang it in front of your table. The morning should be well oriented, and targets should be charted to head-on. Tech savvies should utilise smartphones & gizmos which can drastically help them keep track of their work. 

2. Don’t over-react but avoid trivialising too-
Guesstimating targets poses a threat to work. You need to break it down into steps to bolster your understanding of the microdetails of various aspects involved. It reduces chances of you falling in the gaps that you might otherwise end up creating for yourself. One might not consider oneself among those suffering from this problem but it is one of the most common so you must give a check to it. People who overdraft get in a frenzy of finishing it off as fast as possible which generally deteriorates the quality and in other cases, excessive emphasis on small things, in a way to bring perfection, might lead you crossing the deadline before completion (Perfectionists, don't mind! You can continue to be yourself but many might not bear such great loads.) You must ponder over it to make a proper strategy to meet the deadlines easily otherwise too-much and too-less, both can hurt you. 

3. Stay calm and fresh-
A good walk in nature or exercise is always beneficial and if you are able to devote some time to meditation, it will be boon to your healthy mind. All this relaxes your otherwise uptight mind and body from tiresome work further boosting your tenacity to sustain work efficiently. Meditation is an open secret. Talking to people whom you love is also effective and I personally value it.  

Is that all? No. You can make your own strategies. You may reward yourself when you achieve the targets in the deadline or you may inform your family and friends about your targets so that it gets into your head to do it in time, among others. In times of excessive workload, be it exams or any submissions to be made, I utilise many of these strategies to stay in a fresh state of mind. Wasting a minute can drive you far from your dream job which for sure I don't want to. Procrastination is a human tendency, but we ought not to put our work on hold. Don’t miss it over, start-off as you get a hold of it. 

Looking forward to hearing your strategies to avoid procrastination. Do put them in the comment section below. 


  1. It is a wonderful peice to be pondered upon . Really very helpful. Keep writing 👍

    1. Glad to find it useful to you. I must appreciate your efforts to read and comment. Thanks, Anjali! Hope to serve you with more nice pieces regularly.

  2. As a board student , I found it very useful to organise myself.
    Thanks for the piece of writing.

    1. Woah!! I am delighted with your remark. Hope you are to do your best in the exams and Good luck too. When you feel stressed, come and read an article or two. Keep reading!!


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