
A spiders values water more than humans!! This might sound quite unreal but not when you see what I saw. A spiders spins her web around a drop resting on a leaf to hold the water. Since now it is closely knit, water doesn't move much despite movement of leaf as wind blows by. Her efforts of saving water are fruitful unlike human and now after rain is over, she sits quietly to quench her thirst, probably after a long time. 

How beautiful it looks? 'A mango tree', when it is all set to bear fruits and bring sweetness to the world, a tinge of red in its natural green sets it more enticing compared to its partners. Our ability to attract others depends on what difference we can create in their lives, how better we can do and not just on what we do. We need to polish ourselves, especially our inner-selves, with that 'colour' which has the potential to make us a better being, 'one' in the crowd from 'one in the crowd'.  


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